Warning! Lice medication can be dangerous to breastfeeding or pregnant women! Please use chemical-free formulas if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or if you suffer from allergies and medical conditions. Ask your doctor before using chemical lice-treatments.
How Do You Get Rid of Head Lice? You need to treat your surroundings including clothing and bedding as well as each individual.• Remove all clothing. • Use a Homeopathic Hair Gel or remedy • Put on clean clothing after treatment. • Comb dead and any live bugs out of the hair. • Use a Lice & Nit Comb Terminator to remove nits and bugs from the hair. • Check and comb, and remove nits and bugs from the hair every 2-3 days. • Repeat the treatment within 7 to 10 days. • Recheck for 2 to 3 weeks until all live bugs and nits are gone. Household PreventionUse to prevent infestation1) Take garlic capsules once a day. 2) Denorex Dandruff Shampoo + Conditioner 3) Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Conditioner Homemade Preventative Spray Treatment 1) Small bottle of 100% Tea Tree Oil 2) Vegetable oil 3) White Vinegar 4) hair spray Mix equal parts of the Vinegar and vegetable oil. Add 20 to 30 drops of 100% Tea Tree Oil shake until milky. Saturate the head and wrap with plastic wrap and let sit for 2 to 3 hours. Comb hair with lice-comb . Repeat treatment in 3 days. Machine wash all washable clothing and bedding. Wash clothing, towels, and bedding in HOT water. Dry items on the hot cycle for at least 20 minutes. Place wool and other fibrous blankets in airtight bags until lice are eliminated, for a minimum of three weeks. Make sure that the bag is airtight because the bugs need air to survive. Dry clean clothing that is not machine or alternatively you may seal non-washable items in an air-tight plastic bag for 2 weeks.Cover infested mattresses with airtight plastic covers. Make sure to remove every single hair from the hairbrush before cleaning or treating. There are a few methods that may be used for hairbrushes, combs, and hair accessories. Method 1 Wash combs and brushes with soap and hot water and soak then in rubbing alcohol for 1 hour. Method 2 Wash hair accessories and brushes with vinegar and place in the freezer overnight. Vacuum the floor and furniture. Do not use chemical medicines on the eyebrows or eyelashes. Home RemediesHomemade Lice Killer Shampoo 6 tablespoons 100% Tea Tree Oil 25 ounces Dawn Dishwashing Liquid (Dawn ONLY) 8 ounces white vinegar Mix the ingredients in a large squeeze bottle, such as an empty dish soap bottle. Use as regular shampoo, leave in hair for 5 minutes before rinsing. Use hair conditioner to untangle hair before combing with a lice-comb. Facts About Lice They are parasites that live in the hair and scalp of humans. They survive on Human blood. People catch it from direct contact. They like most heads including clean and hygienic ones. They can lay eggs not just on hair, but on other fibers as well. They do not lay eggs in the first seven or eight days of their lives and it takes eggs up to 12 days to hatch. Nits: Nits are eggs. They are hard to see and are often mistaken for dandruff or droplets of hairspray. Nits are found firmly attached to the hair shaft. They are oval and usually yellow to white. Nits take about 1 week to hatch. Nymph: Nits hatch into nymphs. Nymphs are baby head lice and they grow into adults about 7 days after hatching. Mature Louse: Adult bugs can live up to 30 days on a person's head. A full-grown louse has six legs, and is tan to grayish- white. Without Human blood to drink, an adult louse will die within 2 days. How Do You Get It? These wingless insects do not fly or jump and the only way you can get it is through direct contact with another Human who has it.People can get head it by:Touching someone who has it. Children easily catch it while playing or when sitting closely to each other. You can get it from clothing, such as hats, scarves, coats, sports uniforms, or hair ribbons Using combs, brushes, or towels Lying on a bed, couch, pillow, carpet, that has been in contact with a person infested with it. |